An excerpt from my CV.

Professional Experience

PhD Student IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain 2023 - Present
Researcher SCoRe Lab, Sri Lanka 2021 - 2023
Software Engineer Intern SCoRe Lab, Sri Lanka 2019 - 2020

Research Experience

Sequza: An experimental platform to aid vulnerability remediation Sequza platform is developed utilizing the research outcomes obtained by analyzing the vulnerability distribution in open source JavaScript repositories, and it aids the vulnerability remediation in software projects 2021 - Present
Large Scale Analysis on Vulnerability Remediation in Open-Source JavaScript Projects Studied the vulnerability distribution in open source JavaScript repositories hosted on GitHub platform 2020 - Present
Bug Zero: A reward-based security testing platform Bug Zero platform is developed to conduct bug bounty programs in Sri Lanka 2019 - Present


Máster Universitario en Software y Sistemas Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 2023 - Present
BSc (Hons) in Information Systems University of Colombo School of Computing 2017 - 2021
Higher Education G.C.E. A/L Ananda College, Colombo 10 2007 - 2015

Open-Source Projects

Niwder Niwder is a platform which helps users to transfer files between storage providers on cloud. The users can transfer a file from the internet to their own Google Drive or they can transfer a file or folder to their own Google Drive. In addition, the users can also convert a Google Drive share link to a share link. Also, the user can convert a direct download link to a share link. 2022
DNSTool Middleware/API Project completed for GSoC 2021. DNSTool is a system to monitor a given set of internet resources such as Domains, IPs, etc. The DNSTool Middleware/API is the main component that manages the core processing and obtaining of scan lists and their respective scan results. DNSTool Middleware/API acts as a bridge between the user interface and the back-end system. 2021
CodeLabz Project completed for GSoC 2020. CodeLabz is a platform where the users can engage with online tutorials and the organizations can create tutorials for the users. The platform is developed using ReactJS front end library and the back end is developed using the Google Cloud Firestore and Google Firebase Real-Time database. 2020
Node-ASTerer A CLI tool to generate the AST of a given JavaScript file and save it in *.json format. 2020
Node-Complexer A CLI tool to get the complexity of a given JavaScript AST. 2020